Most Beacon readers approve of Trump indictment

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Shortly after Donald Trump was arraigned in New York City Tuesday afternoon, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg Jr. spoke of “our solemn responsibility to ensure that everyone stands equal before the law.”

In a poll conducted Wednesday, most Rochester Beacon readers expressed support for Bragg’s position on bringing charges against the former president. Eighty percent of respondents said they approved of the decision to indict Trump for his alleged role in hush money payments to adult-film actress Stormy Daniels during his 2016 presidential campaign. Two-thirds strongly approved.

Trump, who pleaded not guilty, is the first former or sitting U.S. president to face criminal charges.

The former president, a declared candidate in the 2024 race, has called the case against him as a politically motivated “witch hunt.” In a speech Tuesday evening, he said, “We are a nation in decline, and now these radical left lunatics want to interfere in elections by using law enforcement.”

Asked if they thought the charges against Trump in this case were politically motivated, 71 percent of participants in the Beacon reader poll said no.

Americans nationwide appear to share the view of Beacon readers, at least on the decision to indict Trump. In a CNN poll conducted after news of the Trump indictment broke last week but before the specific charges were revealed, 60 percent of respondents approved of the decision to indict Trump, with 37 percent saying they “strongly approve.”

But while a plurality of respondents (45 percent) in an ABC News/Ipsos poll agreed that Trump should face criminal charges in this case, a slightly larger plurality (47 percent) said they believed the charges were politically motivated.

The former president is accused of falsifying business records in order to “conceal damaging information and unlawful activity” from the nation’s voters before and after the 2016 election.

Prosecutors allege that 12 days before the presidential election, attorney Michael Cohen, acting on Trump’s behalf, wired $130,000 to an attorney for Daniels. Cohen has since pleaded guilty and served time in prison for making the illegal campaign contribution.

After he won the election, Trump allegedly reimbursed Cohen through a series of 11 monthly checks—nine signed by the former president.

“Each check was processed by the Trump Organization and illegally disguised as a payment for legal services rendered pursuant to a non-existent retainer agreement,” according to a statement released by Bragg’s office. “In total, 34 false entries were made in New York business records to conceal the initial covert $130,000 payment. Further, participants in the scheme took steps that mischaracterized, for tax purposes, the true nature of the reimbursements.”

In New York, falsifying business records is a felony only if the records were falsified to conceal another crime.

Even before the grand jury returned its indictment against Trump, the decision to pursue these charges sparked fierce debate. Some legal observers say Bragg is basing his case on a shaky legal theory, while others argue that it is no different than many other white-collar crimes prosecuted in New York.

Further, it appears to be widely believed that the hush money case is the weakest among several investigations focusing on Trump. In Georgia, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis could soon announce whether she will file charges alleging that Trump and others allied with him tried to overturn the state’s 2020 presidential election results. In addition, Special Counsel Jack Smith is directing two federal investigations of Trump: one dealing with Trump’s alleged efforts to overturn the election of Joe Biden, and a second probe focused on Trump’s handling of classified information.

Another concern voiced by many is that the hush money charges could set a dangerous precedent, opening the door to politically motivated charges by local prosecutors around the country.

Among Beacon readers, however, well more than half—62 percent—said the decision to indict Trump in this case will strengthen the nation’s democracy and rule of law. Seventeen percent disagreed, and 21 percent said it would neither strengthen nor weaken our democracy and rule of law.

Politically, the indictment seems to have boosted Trump, at least temporarily. But not among Beacon readers. Asked if it would make them more or less inclined to support him as a candidate for president in 2024, 74 percent answered “no change.” Twenty percent said “less inclined,” while 6 percent said they were more inclined to vote for Trump in 2024.

Wednesday’s poll drew more than 350 participants. Asked about their political affiliation, 59 percent answered Democrat; only 11 percent identified themselves as Republicans. Twenty-four percent were unaffiliated and 5 percent chose “other.”

Respondents also were asked to share their thoughts on Trump’s indictment. The following are the complete signed written responses of survey participants. Many additional unsigned responses were submitted. As a matter of policy, the Beacon does not post unsigned comments.


It’s shameful that a previous president committed these crimes NOT that he could be prosecuted for them. No one is above the law and the only way to prove this is by punishing him, just like anyone else.
—Jen Casasanta

I hope that the prosecution’s case is stronger than what some columnists are predicting. Fingers crossed.
—Chris Pulleyn

Sick of our tax money going to legal fees, investigations, and politically motivated self-serving agendas. I am not a fan of Trump, but I am a fan of fixing our broken two-party political system.
—Kim Lloyd

While the actions in this indictment are far from the worst Trump has committed, they are serious crimes. The standard of probity we apply to elected officials in high office should be higher than to ordinary people; it astounds me that anyone would claim that Trump should be given a pass for what is clearly corrupt behavior.
—Eric Koski

Recognizing that the country is deeply divided, laws are the lines we have agreed not to cross regardless of our opinions. That applies to everyone equally.
—Sam Weiner

I think we need to stop bringing Donald Trump into the public eye and let him fade into infamy.
—Peter Wehner

I do not think that Americans are ready to give it all up for Daniels and Trump. Trump continues to further divide the country for self-serving reasons that appear to have no love for the country or democracy.
—Robyn Carter

Trump and his supporters are a threat to democracy and must be stopped.
—Ruhi Maker

Trump is a guy that has generally avoided accountability for much of anything in his life. He’s painted this as an attack on all Americans but really, if you don’t pay six figure hush money and try to disguise it as a business expense, I don’t see this as much of a risk for anyone but Donald Trump.
—Matt McDermott

It’s about time!
—Bill Wynne

Thanks for this poll. The responses didn’t allow me to indicate the ambiguity and complexity of this issue. Do I think the charges against Trump are politically motivated? Possibly. Do I think he’s responsible for other illegal acts? Yes, especially but not only based on Jan 6 2022 events. Do I think that the indictment will strengthen or weaken democracy and rule of law? I don’t think that can be predicted. What is happening here is what scientist Karl Popper called a cloud problem, not a clock problem. “Karl Popper, the great philosopher of science, once divided the world into two categories: clocks and clouds. Clocks are neat, orderly systems that can be solved through reduction; clouds are an epistemic mess, highly irregular, disorderly, and more or less unpredictable.” This is one cloudy issue rife with potential for unintended consequences.
—Kit Miller

Teflon Don no longer.
—Peter H Van Demark

For many years Donald Trump has allegedly engaged in many questionable acts. The system has finally caught up to him. Let justice prevail.
—George VanArsdale

It’s about time. I am tired of hearing his name, and even more, tired of hearing the awful things that come out of his mouth. I wish he would evaporate.
—Joy A. Bergfalk

I do believe that no one is above the law, and that to use one’s political, social, or economic position as a shield to accountability is the most egregious affront to our justice system. Donald Trump has openly flaunted his disdain for the system and has heralded his right to be above it, even mocking it – and worse, made veiled threats of harm to others who carry out their duties within the system. If found responsible for these crimes, he must be appropriately punished as others have been within the law.
—Kathy D’Amanda

I believe that Trump’s indictment is absolutely necessary in what remains of our democracy, but at the same time I also believe that our democracy is in shreds and cannot be resurrected simply by making an example of a clown.
—Karen Beadling

Trump’s history of petty and more serious crimes is a stain on America. Our country needs to reject his dishonesty, mendacity, graft and corruption in an institutional way to protect the integrity of our institutions.
—Rob Brown

It is unfortunate that the first case to indict is this one. The others look much stronger to me, but I believe no one is above the law is the bedrock of democracy.
—Martin Edic

I believe we found the witch.
—Bob Whipple

These charges are the least severe of several investigations into Trump’s behavior, but valid nonetheless. It’s hoped that his indictment in NYS will offer encouragement to prosecutors involved with the remaining investigations.
—Loret Steinberg

Everyone should be treated fairly under the law, so if a grand jury assesses, by review of the evidence, that there is reason to believe that a crime has been committed, a DA can/should pursue an indictment, not influenced by favor or station.
—Thomas E Moughan

There are three stronger cases in the wings, I wish the government was leading with one of those.
—Kathleen Leach

The indictment is just the first step in his adjudication. The real critical work is yet to follow. Trump slipped through the noose of impeachment twice. This court is likely (to) be more objective in its decision-making. However, it is clearly an important first step in dealing with him as a former President in that the artificial informal, and procedural barrier of not indicting a former President is broken. I understand that the founding fathers discussed this issue and concluded, based on the objectivity of their thinking at the time, that any President who was indicted and convicted would be subject to the objective views of the court of public opinion and fall from favor. Another perceived path they saw was that as a result of his/her personal objective judgment, they would voluntarily withdraw from any further engagement in attempting to be elected to any public office.
—Bob Volpe

The continuing attacks on an American icon from the deep state and media is relegating the United States to the level of a banana republic. By the way, an NPR poll concluded that 93% of Republicans, 73% of independents and 30% of Democrats thought the indictment was politically motivated.
—John Rynne

Donald Trump is a liar, a bully and a professional grifter who has sold a bill of hate filled goods to angry white people who are afraid of change and progress. He is a disgrace to our country. He paid Ms. Daniels hush money and THEN lied about it. He is NOT above the law.

Personally, i hope he rots in prison.
—Mary Brett

I believe the risks of failure of the prosecution and political backlash were worth taking for the benefit of respect for the rule of law and calling to account one of the most egregious white collar criminals in contemporary America.
—Konrad Emmert

It is my opinion that political office has unfortunately has become a career job and all politicians are interested in growing their power ahead of their obligation for service for our democracy. Donald Trump is considerably more dangerous than any politician in history. He individually has had the largest impact on the disintegration of our democracy and institutions. He is a loathsome and dangerous human and an embarrassment for us nationally and internationally. I absolutely think he has broken the law in many ways and feel strongly that he believes he is above accountability. It is critical that we show him that no one—Democrat, Republican or independent—is above the rule of law.
—Michael Frame

I’m sick to death of all the hand-wringing about indicting a former president because it might somehow cause a Constitutional crisis. Really? It will be a Constitutional triumph because this time it’s real. Unlike the so-called “trials” impeachment the outcome isn’t going to be determined by partisans. Let’s not be afraid to follow the rule of law. No one is above it.
—Mike Durand

I greatly dislike Trump. But this indictment is a politicized travesty of justice; even Democrats like Andrew Cuomo recognize that. It will taint the much more substantive potential indictments on attempted vote tampering in Georgia, fomenting the January 6 riot, and mishandling of classified documents (though the latter is also tainted by previously letting Hillary Clinton off). The way to get past Trump is not to keep focusing our attention on him, and especially not to indict him on illegitimate charges that wouldn’t have been brought against anyone else. Once again, Trump Derangement Syndrome causes Trump’s opponents to tear down norms in their zeal to attack him for tearing down norms.
—Kelvin Smith

I hope that this is part of a trend in which more government officials are held to account for their actions. Elected officials should be more scrutinized and held to a higher standard than ordinary people, despite what has been true for virtually all of American history.
—Henry Wallace

Finally, CJ System is working as it is constitutionally required to do. Law Enforcement Investigates, the Elected DA determines whether or not to do forward; If so, the DA presents testimony & evidence to a GJ; The GJ is allowed to review, and then deliberate, and then Vote. If the defendant is Indicted, the defendant is arraigned, and the case proceeds through the Court system (as required by the Constitution). NO ONE. NO ONE is above the Law of the USA. And that is why this is the right, proper, and JUST thing to do.
—Mark Colburn

I think he can no longer say he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and get away with it.
—Marilyn Tedeschi

I was, and am, hoping for more rigorous charges – on a higher level of governmental abuse –  using his office for personal gain.
—Jack Mould, Rush

He should have been in prison for life decades ago for the ways in which he conducted his businesses. I have read seven books about both him and the history of his family. His father and grandfather were despicable people, and he is one too. He has been directly or indirectly responsible for the death of far too many people. And of course his inability to maintain a successful business (who goes bankrupt running a casino?) has caused the loss of livelihood of many. Not to mention all the people whose services he has engaged and then didn’t pay them. It is true that the way he grew up caused him to have a deeply damaged psyche, but he should have realized he needed help and gotten it. Instead, he blundered along, growing more and more corrupt. At this point, he never tells the truth about anything, uses lies to attack others, and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
—Cathleen Carstens

I seem to recall Trump and his weaponization of the government to lock up his political enemies. Looks like he will get what he has asked for. His legal problems are only beginning. For the sake of our country and democracy may this be a wake up call to his misguided supporters as well as other despots, dictators and authoritarian “strongmen.” You are not welcome here. Every dog has his day.
—Jim Gaden

It is time this is ended. No one is above the law.
—Mary Jo Albert

Regarding Question 2, let us be honest: Everything—and I mean everything—about The Former Queens Man involves some kind of “political motivation”, either for or against him. But a grand jury has found reason to bring criminal charges against TFQM, so…Fiat justitia ruat caelum — “let justice be done though the heavens fall”. Democracy and the rule of law will grow stronger over the next several years as the TFQM Legal Marathon plays out and he faces multiple criminal charges in New York City, Georgia, and Florida. Or should we just do what he asked of Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger: “Gimme a break! What I want to do is this. I just want to find, uh, 11,780 votes, which is one more than [the 11,779 vote margin of defeat] we have, because we won the state.” No breaks will be forthcoming. Thanks for publishing the poll.
—William McLane, Rochester

As President Trump so stated, and as we all know, this is a political witch-hunt that has been going on now since 2016. He WILL overcome this as he has with all the other stuff he has been thru.
—Ron Schumaker

No one is above the law.
—Floyd Gibson

Paul Ericson is Rochester Beacon executive editor. The Beacon welcomes comments and letters from readers who adhere to our comment policy including use of their full, real name. Submissions to the Letters page should be sent to [email protected]

13 thoughts on “Most Beacon readers approve of Trump indictment

  1. Yes Josh, birds of a feather have flocked together in the Beacon. This is normal human behavior. But most of the flocks that have formed in contemporary America are dangerously certain that the only righteous are those sharing their interpretation of the bewildering volume of change we are all experiencing. Looking back, the Irish Catholics and Protestants were not that far apart in belief systems, yet their animosity took a terrible toll on that nation. So as a Republican, I try to add some balance to the Beacon from time to time.

    Get the data and look at it yourself before you make up your mind. Once you have formed an opinion, change is hard.

    “It is a lot easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled” Mark Twain.

  2. It’s the political minds that voted on this. We are a society of “against” this or that. We rarely comment with any positive intentions. You can feel the hatred, it’s palpable. That hatred will take us down as a nation. It’s already doing so. As the nations line up behind China, Iran, Russia etc. it won’t be long before we are doomed as a society. Our military is on a melt down journey. Senior military leaders are clueless. Recruitment is way down. In addition only approximately 18% of our youth is even physically and mentally qualified to serve. It was a great run. We could have accomplished much for the good, but we have chosen to tear our nation apart from within. The open border is allowing tons of Fentanyl to enter our nation. We are more concerned with abortion than life. Don’t blame the other guy, look in the mirror and see who is responsible for our demise. It’s self inflicted.
    Semper Fi.

    • Of course the biggest problem is the agenda-driven disinformation/misinformation spewed on social media. Cases in point would be; 1) the claim that “nations line up behind China, Iran, Russia, etc.” when no such “line up” exists, 2) that the US military, which spends more annually then the next ten largest national militaries COMBINED, is on some imaginary “melt down journey”, and 3) that the so-called “open border”,” is allowing tons of Fentanyl to enter our nation” when even the right wing Cato Institute has released a study which shows that, “Fentanyl Is Smuggled for U.S. Citizens By U.S. Citizens, Not Asylum Seekers”.

      • I tried answering the Michael J. Nighan call a while back. That said the response was to detailed resulting in a reply which was too long. I will keep this one short. 1) There doen’t need to be a line-up behind China. It does very well by itself for itself. 2) The U.S. military is very low on munitions and our strategic reserves are at an all time low. We are not replacing them fast enough to be able to address any conflict, let alone two separate conflicts. This comes from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 3) Fentanyl is indeed pouring into this nation and you are correct, not on the backs of the illegal entries. But what matters is that the “door” is open for that type of business. That comes from the border folks. That said I’m sure you have a clearer and more acerate take on that subject. About a 100,000 annually die of that fentanyl. It does indeed come across the border, we do not manufacture it for distribution.

  3. Bravo to Dr. Anstadt and Ellen Lerner for articulating the injustices against American icon, former president and citizen Donald J. Trump. These abuses have been going on since 2015. Like Ellen, I’m also a former Democrat now an independent. If the deep state can commit these political atrocities against Trump, can you imagine what they could do against any one of us?

  4. I do not believe that people are actually in favor of a Trump indictment without even knowing what the “trumped-up” charges are. I do not believe these polls were fair. You may not realize: there were no charges disclosed in the Bragg indictment documents, which only promised that charges would become available at a later date. Preposterously, the case was not thrown out by the judge. I do not believe that honest and sensible people take such positions. NYC Attorney Alan Dershowitz, a noted legal scholar and a lifelong Democrat, describes Bragg’s action as a clear loss of fairness under the law. Alan has gone further and publicly said he does not believe the Manhattan District court system can reach a “not guilty” verdict against Trump regardless of the facts. This jurisdiction is corrupt. Attorney Alvin Bragg Jr. hypocritically spoke of “our solemn responsibility to ensure that everyone stands equal before the law”, yet he campaigned on a promise to “Get Trump”. This is Soviet style misuse of our most important national asset, a fair legal system. “Show me the man and I will show you the crime” was the famous Soviet quote. Bragg has gone even further over the brink than the Soviets- he has not even disclosed what the crime is! Sadly, I must also conclude that the Beacon and this supposed Beacon “poll” (details undisclosed) is also over the brink in support of a politically biased and “weaponized” InJustice System. Outraged reaction by responsible people of all political parties is why Trump has risen ten percentage points in the actual presidential 2024 polls vs Joe Biden in these few days since this atrocity. This decay from within is the most serious challenge America has ever faced; we are in grave danger of subjugation by our own government. Reread 1984. If they can successfully come for Trump, they can come for any of us. Thankfully, he one of the very few politicians with the personal chutzpah and deep enough personal pockets to resist simultaneous and repeated legal attacks by the many branches of government and their partners in the Global Elite and the CCP. He is fighting for your rights- he is the only candidate of either party that this “mob” cannot control. For those of you who do not follow international politics, please realize that this “elite capture” is in all countries. It works by allowing unfair business profit and unequal rights under the law at the expense of citizens to those who join the mob. Like the Soviet and Chinese Oligarchs, these business elites of today will be very surprised at how their status changes when this American Communist Party mob gets control of the US Military and so the US. America is the World’s last hope for a fair business environment and a fair legal system. Vote wisely, the world is holding it’s breath.

  5. To start with some background, I was a Democrat most of my life. After 2 yrs. of Obama‘s policy I became an independent. I could not vote in the primary. Now after two years Biden administration and policies that are hurting our country, I need to vote in upcoming republican primary and have submitted application to become a republican.

    As far as Donald Trump is concerned it is complicated, He’s not the only president with indiscretions. I feel that Democrats are going after him like he said -A witch hunt. Other presidents and politicians have indiscretions and had maybe private deals we don’t know about,but they were not put in the limelight. So I think this was made public to distract people from going after Biden whose policies are deleterious to our country. It’s also a distraction to try to keep Donald Trump from another presidency. So in all I do not agree with these indictments or how it’s being handled . It’s all about what is best for our country and that is the bottom line. Politics is what this is about. Biden is not good for our country. Trump showed that he was regardless of his demeanor and personality. Biden should be impeached for leaving all that equipment in enemy hands when he haphazardly got out of Afghanistan ( and deaths that day,)not to mention his open border policy which is really hurting our country and our security including underhanded deals concerning China and Russia and his son‘s dealings. Biden’s poor leadership is compromising our freedom and our safety. Trump did not do this. He said America first and I believe him and saw. We should be standing up for him and not persecuting him.

    • Really? OK, let’s start with how Trump showed that he was “good for this country.”

      While SERVING AS PRESIDENT, Trump: 1) paid $25,000,000 to settle a class-action lawsuit for running a fraudulent “university”, 2) paid a $2,000,000 fine after being convicted of misusing his own charitable foundation to further his political and business interests, 3) reimbursed his lawyer $130,00 for payments made (for whatever reason) to a porn star/prostitute, 4) paid a $1i0,000 contempt-of-court fine. Please explain how these were, “good of this country”.

      As to your critique of Biden, you listed only two specific areas where you disagree with his actions and gave your “reasons”. The Afghanistan withdrawal, and southern border security.

      Interestingly enough, the Afghanistan withdrawal agreement was negotiated, to great applause by the Republican National Committee, by the Trump administration, with the logistics being handled solely by the Pentagon. Biden’s involvement was simply to delay the withdrawal, which gave the Pentagon more time to perfect their plans. Which they obviously failed to do.

      Security of our southern border is little changed in the two years since Biden took office. It interesting to note that, while the number of “encounters” of those attempting to cross the border is up, the number of individuals attempting to cross is actually flat or even down given that post-Covid many more individuals then ever are attempting to cross more than once, thus driving up the “encounter” number. Which confuses the uninformed. As to any negative impact on our country’s security, none has been verified and asylum seekers continue to be processed in accordance with federal legislation.

      As to your references to Biden’s “underhanded deals concerning China and Russia”, that seems to imply that you have evidence of such dealings. Have you provided that evidence to the proper authorities? Regarding how, “Biden’s poor leadership is compromising our freedom and our safety”, can you be more specific so that we can determine the validity of your conclusions?

      Thank you.

      • The above answer is loaded with inaccuracy camouflaged with intellect. If we are going to allow comment some element of fact has to be included. Let me give you one fact that dismisses our current commander in chief from having any respect from anyone who served. When you leave behind Allies and interpreters who fought along side of us with promises of citizenship….and doomed them to the most creative methods of slaughter, I’m done with him and you for defending him. Remember he brags about the withdrawal as a success. Semper Fi.

  6. Guess I hit the wrong button when I responded to the survey as my comments do not appear above. Unfortunate given that they addressed a point which none of the above commenters seem to have done. Namely the political impact of the indictment.

    To be blunt, let me first say that to me Trump’s guilt or innocence is irrelevant. The only positive benefit to the indictment is that we can now walk around patting ourselves on the back and mouthing the platitude that “No man is above the law!”. Big whoop.

    But will the indictment stop other rich guys from attempting to use their checkbook to buy their way around the law? Of course not. Will the indictment act as a wake up call to any of Trump’s supporters? Of course not. After all, how many supporters did he lose in 2019 when the NY AG successfully prosecuted the then-sitting president for “mishandling” the funds of his various foundations, resulting in a $2,000,000 fine?

    On the flip side, what’s the political downside of the indictment? Well, to put it simply, Bragg may just have put Trump back in the White House in 2025.

    Trump’s already sheared his sheep for millions by whining WITCH HUNT!!! AND his only serious potential rival, Ron DeSantis has already come to Donny’s defense in order to avoid antagonizing the Deplorable base he’ll need in the future. Add to this that, regardless of their political persuasion, the media will once again go way overboard on their coverage of Trump (the asinine broadcasting of Trump’s flight from FL to NY and his motorcade to the courtroom being a classic case), giving Trump priceless free exposure, proving as they did in 2016, the wisdom of the old saw, “I don’t care what you say about me as long as you spell my name right.” Now, with the legal maneuvering to extend well into 2024, Trump has months to further proclaim his martyrdom (and further bilk his base by proclaiming, “They’re not after me…they’re after YOU!”) right up to the convention, and then the election.

    Now ask yourself what happens if Trumps is convicted before the election or even the convention? The answer is an obvious NOTHING. As with the indictment, a conviction will have no measurable impact on taking votes away from Trump. And if he’s found not guilty on all or even a few counts (which I suspect is the likely outcome), he’ll likely pick up a couple of million more votes.

    But feel free to claim during a second Trump administration that Bragg’s efforts proved that the system works. It’ll be cold comfort.

  7. It appears that the readers of the Beacon are overwhelming Democrats with minimal independents or Republicans. I came to that conclusion after listening to an NPR broadcast earlier this week which had a poll which concluded only 7% of Republicans, only 30% of independents and 70% of Democrats thought that the indictment wasn’t politically motivated. The Democrat response in the NPR poll was almost identical to the Beacon poll. As an independent I’d be curious about what the political party affiliation is in the Beacon readership. Maybe that should be the next poll.

    • Try taking that poll in Florida. Polls are actually worthless along with statistics. As my professor said way back when, “statistics, lies, lies and dammed lies.” And so it goes with polls. They are predictable and worthless. But it’s “fun” for some to be able to unleash, unwind, and restore one’s opinion on any given subject. Intellect is usually absent and facts are bent to a breaking point. I find it disappointingly amusing.

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