I’ve lived in Rochester for more than fifty years. I’ve experienced some memorable winter events, including ice storms, wind storms, and blizzards with heavy snowfall. Some of these events occur in March or late in the season, so it isn’t over until the flowers bloom.
Those who track weather patterns over time can definitively say that the Great Lakes’ temperature and wind direction has the greatest impact on who gets what amount of snow. Climate watchers will say that we are currently in a La Nina pattern but can’t say with any confidence just how much influence that has on our local weather patterns.
But, if you look at how the Jetstream has flowed for the past several seasons, there is a significant change in its’ shape. This “new” pattern tends to bring warmer, moist weather up from the Gulf and along the East coast. The demarcation line appears to run at a diagonal from roughly Texas up to Maine, with an area around Syracuse being a dividing line. Throughout the year, the Eastern side of the line allows more intense weather to prevail.
The Great Lakes remain unfrozen and relatively warm. Still, the winds that usually fire up significant snow accumulation haven’t come from a direction enabling big snow to fall in the regions usually downwind of Lake Ontario.
I’ve also noticed that normal changes in seasons aren’t occurring at traditional times of the year. They appear to have shifted by about a month or two, with warmer periods extending through December. The transition to warmer weather is also rather abrupt, without much of a spring.
It’s worth pointing out that climate and weather are different things. Weather is usually observed over relatively short time frames of several days. As we all know, Western NY has many micro-climates (actually mini-weather patterns) caused by several factors.
The climate is a longer-term trend and is usually observed globally. There is no question that what we’ve observed globally is a significant change from historical patterns. I’m convinced that there is Global Climate Change and that human behavior and government decisions cause it. Others may disagree, stating that the changes are natural. No matter the cause, it is prudent to behave as if the changing climate and subsequent dangerous weather patterns are human activity caused. We should invest heavily in zero-emission electric production and increase electric-powered mass transportation.
Otherwise, we will continue to endure changing weather and, in the case of places like the West Coast, communities around the Gulf of Mexico, and Central America, pay the price for our abuse of our planet with severe droughts of long duration followed by deluges and floods. A lack of significant winter snowpack here will eventually have costly consequences for farmers and winter entertainment venues. No matter what, we all need to pay attention to climate and weather because all our futures depend on our actions now.
Frank Orienter
The Beacon welcomes comments and letters from readers who adhere to our comment policy including use of their full, real name. Submissions to the Letters page should be sent to [email protected].
There are many experts that agree that manmade climate change is greatly exaggerated. The sun, the earth’s changing magnetic field and other natural factors are the major contributors. 12,000 years ago there was a 1 mile high glacier which melted far before man’s industrial revolution. Reportedly, the surface temperatures on Mars have increased; obviously without man. Carbon Dioxide is needed for the sustenance of green plant life which is a major source of our food supply and production of oxygen through photosynthesis. I recently heard meteorologist, Kevin Williams, state that Carbon Dioxide comprises 400 parts per 1,000,000 in the atmosphere. He stated that if Carbon Dioxide was reduced to 200 parts per 1,000,00, it could be catastrophic to green plant life, our food and oxygen supply.
You wisely observe that the recent happy change in the temperature in Rochester is due to a change in local weather patterns. You don’t provide any substantiation for your belief that there also is Global Warming; this is so commonly cited by media and government that your belief is commonly considered rational, that we can trust without verifying.
However, if you make a serious attempt to take your Global Warming assertion beyond a belief, you will be frustrated and eventually realize that there is no evidence of Global Warming that withstands honest scrutiny. There is no rise in the level of the oceans, for example.
The sky is not falling. It is worse than that. Thought control is being pressed issue-by-issue by a global Deep State; this threatens our entire society.
For example, I do not plan to get another jab- check out the associated all cause mortality increase.
Sheep trust unquestioningly.
I’d say you were right on target. At the heart, or core of it all, is control. Politicians crave control and the pandemic and climate change have been good to them. Climate change is real, it changes everyday. But if one thinks that humanity has any impact on global warming, one is simply taking to much credit within the intellect department. That said, they keep pushing the climate issue and there is plenty of sheep mentality to keep the control types in the running.