The Big Oak Driving Range and Golf Shop in Penfield has installed nine Topracer bays, each equipped with Topracer technology similar to that planned for Topgolf (while Topgolf uses microchipped balls, the Big Oak range relies on cameras). Players at Big Oak get the same feedback on the flight of the ball and play the same Topracer games, including “virtual golf” which
mimics famous courses like Pebble Beach or St. Andrews.

Topgolf-like facility in Buffalo?
Big plans—reminiscent of the pitch in Rochester—were unveiled in Buffalo by Buffalo and Knoxville-based OnCore Golf. A scaled down version was unveiled in 2023. The project appears to be on hold.
Kent Gardner is Rochester Beacon opinion editor. The Beacon welcomes comments and letters from readers who adhere to our comment policy including use of their full, real name. Submissions to the Letters page should be sent to [email protected].
I have used TopTracer while in Hilton Head the past two Marches. It is a great tool for practice, determining distances for each club, and seeing what can be learned about your swing, if interested. It was a great tool for me in that I was able to determine how far I was hitting each club. Love having it available back home. Kudos to Big Oak. They were my favorite range before now even better for the serious players.
The Buffalo and Knoxville projects are both moving forward. https://stepoutbuffalo.com/oncore-golf-moves-forward-with-new-golf-complex-shotclub-social/
It is very interesting, but not surprising, that the Buffalo project is moving forward. It seems like Buffalo is much further ahead of Rochester when it comes to bringing “varied and interesting” projects to conclusion. Oh yes, Canalside and the old rundown grain silos that are being made into restaurants and housing, gee, what is Rochester doing in that vain! Rochester has water as well but not much exciting is happening with that availability! I hope the The Town of Brighton and City of Rochester decide that TopGolf would be a great addition to this area. Thank you for letting comment and oh yes, I will drive to Buffalo to enjoy what is added to the Buffalo and Erie County waterfront!