Use the market to reduce carbon pollution

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The earth is warming and we need to do something about it. A carbon pricing bill with cash back to US households would encourage a reduction in carbon pollution without government regulation. A bill has been introduced into the House that does just that. The Energy Innovation AND Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 5744) Text – H.R.5744 – 118th Congress (2023-2024): Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2023 | | Library of Congress would be revenue neutral and would not expand government. It is a market driven solution that harnesses the forces of capitalism to solve this problem. There is widespread agreement among economists on both sides of the aisle that it is the most efficient way to reduce carbon pollution. As a lifelong Republican, I am hoping Congresswoman Tenney will co-sponsor this important legislation.

Robert Johnson

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2 thoughts on “Use the market to reduce carbon pollution

  1. No, Robert, the earth is not warming. Your narrative is out of date. The buzz words now have been shifted to “climate change” because the seas have not filled the NYC subways as predicted. Ocean level are stable with millimeter fluctuations measured by NASA satellite data, which is a very accurate reflection of stable global temperature.
    Earth has always had local climate change, and human contributions to climate from our CO2 emissions are trivial compared to natural forces. These natural forces have reduced Earth’s CO2 to the lower quarter of historic levels, so the big danger is probably global cooling.

    Do not listen to Chicken Little and do not support yet another grab for your tax dollars and for your “compliance”, e.g. the purchasing an all-electric vehicle false narrative. This and many other pestilences and wars are being visited upon us by aligned political and international and industry special interests.

    Keep smiling! Help your neighbor with the energy you have left. Eschew this nonsense.

  2. Reading the actual legislation is not easy. I would appreciate a better and less superficial summary by Robert Johnson.

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