Museum, hospital partner on program for child patients
Golisano Children’s Hospital patients will be able to explore the Strong National Museum of Play from their hospital beds.
Rochester Beacon (
Golisano Children’s Hospital patients will be able to explore the Strong National Museum of Play from their hospital beds.
For the first time in more than 30 years, Democrats could gain control of the Monroe County Legislature. But will national political narratives shape the outcome?
NewsMatch, the nation’s largest grassroots annual fundraising effort in support of nonprofit news organizations, runs Nov. 1 through Dec. 31.
The money will help the Geneva-based firm, which offers farm-to-table, ready-to-eat food to subscribers, build a national brand and move into a new facility.
SWAN Inc. at Montgomery Neighborhood Center has become a member of United Neighborhood Houses, a policy and social change organization in New York City.
Two working papers from the Center for Public Safety Initiatives at Rochester Institute of Technology seek to understand the factors contributing to the increased violence in 2020, both locally and nationally.
The Living Room, Rochester’s new seven-piece band, skates the fine line between laid-back hyperbole and a profane truth.
Restorative justice is gaining a foothold in civil litigation, offering another alternative to courtroom conflict in settling disputes.
Though research efforts were impacted by the pandemic, the university attracted more than $38 million in federal monies.
A federal judge has dismissed a motion to dismiss the claim brought by Herb Washington, who launched his business career here and became the fast-food giant’s largest U.S. Black franchise operator.