Funding for after-school programs boosted
More than $100 million in grants will be awarded statewide, up $17.7 million.
Rochester Beacon (
More than $100 million in grants will be awarded statewide, up $17.7 million.
Our Voices Project will present its newest film, “Being Black in America,” later this month at the Pittsford Community Library.
At the start of the fifth year since COVID struck, the Rochester regional economy is continuing to recover, but the rate of growth has slowed. And by several key measures, it lags New York and the nation as a whole—but is that a useful yardstick anymore?
A recent Guest Opinion piece on hazardous emissions from lawn and garden equipment contained statements regarding the Monroe County Department of Public Health that were uninformed and misleading.
Publick Musick’s “Echoes of the Renaissance,” a concert slated for Thursday evening at the Memorial Art Gallery, will underscore that musicians tossing sounds back and forth is nothing new.
Our elected leaders need to understand that charters are part of the educational fabric of this state.
Responding to Councilmember Willie Lightfoot’s call to halt reassessments for a period of two years, Rochester Mayor Malik Evans said “it is critical that we remain transparent and current” on actual property valuations in the city.
Initial video released of Todd Novick’s Dec. 24 death at the hands of Rochester police was missing 20 seconds included in a version released by the state attorney general’s office. At the latest Public Safety Committee meeting, RPD Chief David Smith explained why.
Monroe County has New York’s fourth-highest levels of carbon dioxide and fine particulate emissions from lawn and garden equipment. For the sake of public health, it’s time to stop using these gas-powered tools.
The production at OFC Creations Theatre Center stars disabled actor Nicholas Japaul Bernard, a Rochester native, and features a high level of accessibility.