Justice & Public Safety
PAB report scrutinizes RPD’s discipline system
The latest report from the Police Accountability Board outlines areas for improvement in the Rochester Police Department’s disciplinary policies and procedures.
Rochester Beacon (https://rochesterbeacon.com/2024/06/page/3/)
The latest report from the Police Accountability Board outlines areas for improvement in the Rochester Police Department’s disciplinary policies and procedures.
For the sake our community and democracy, we need to be media literate and to understand the difference between factual information and misinformation—and to foster the next generation of journalists skilled in ethical reporting.
The gift will establish the Golisano Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Institute at the UR Medical Center.
As the CGI Rochester International Jazz Festival starts its third decade, co-producers Marc Iacona and John Nugent remain focused on their vision: to present one of the finest and most well-run festivals in the world.
The funds will help the Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative, a community-focused collective impact effort, in its work to eliminate systemic poverty in Rochester and Monroe County.
The board will consider a proposal to name the school after longtime community leader Iris Bannister, who died this year.
The city aims to eliminate traffic-related deaths and severe injuries through a range of actions including enactment of a citywide 25 mph speed limit.
Islamic Cultural Center of Rochester’s annual International Food Festival showcases traditional dishes as well as American favorites as a way to gather and share.
Steve Goldstein, current president and CEO, will continue serve as a URMC vice president and oversee the strategic integration of the UR Medicine health system.
The Society for Chamber Music in Rochester’s final concert of its 47th season will feature an interplay between baroque and 20th century works.