Rochester City Council passes Good Cause eviction law
The law will require most landlords to provide evidence of “good cause” in housing court before they can evict tenants or fail to renew a lease in Rochester.
Rochester Beacon (
The law will require most landlords to provide evidence of “good cause” in housing court before they can evict tenants or fail to renew a lease in Rochester.
Next fall, East schools are slated to return to direct RCSD control after nine years under the Educational Partnership Organization with UR’s Warner School.
Spiritus Christi’s James Callan, who died Friday at 77, pushed for women in leadership and other progressive positions, leading to a schism that attracted national attention.
The decision could allow over 400 students to vote in a prospective union election after being excluded in a previous proposal.
The 350-acre farm in the Finger Lakes is home to a hub of traditional fine art studios.
Youth workforce development programs are fueling the future, but the funding squeeze is real.
New York Focus, a statewide nonprofit newsroom, surveyed residents across New York to better understand how local news is meeting the needs of its audiences.
The conversation had stalled last week over 16 outstanding economic issues, union officials said.
Aerospace engineering student Amos Prince, one of 40 “Bridging the Dream” scholarship recipients, is pursuing studies to address the environmental impacts of aviation.
A nonprofit model would shift the industry’s focus from profits to the social purpose of keeping Americans as healthy as possible.