The national debt still matters
Both Democrats and Republicans need to stop pretending that endless red ink has no consequences. Yet candidates in this election cycle have barely mentioned federal debt and deficits.
Rochester Beacon (
Both Democrats and Republicans need to stop pretending that endless red ink has no consequences. Yet candidates in this election cycle have barely mentioned federal debt and deficits.
Demographic trends suggest declining enrollment is going to continue. Let’s convert underutilized school buildings to affordable housing units.
At Harbec, a contract plastics manufacturer, wind, solar, and geothermal technologies have generated a clear return on investment.
If All Rochester Wrote the Same Song, a songwriting contest that will culminate in a live show, returns after being sidelined by the pandemic.
For nearly 150 years, the Chautauqua Institution has been dedicated to the exploration of the best in human values. It will remain a uniquely special place even after the horrific attack on Salman Rushdie.
Lee Zeldin, the Republican nominee for New York governor, has renewed his calls for pretrial jailing based on predictions of future “dangerousness.” This standard plays upon people’s sense of fear and vulnerability to gut bail reform.
Financial compensation for four centuries of government-sanctioned white supremacy would be an admission of responsibility and a beginning point for healing.
It’s tough to be 16 years old and have epilepsy, but I know others have it much worse. My goal with Amer’s Trail Epilepsy Run: to raise $100,000 and awareness for our local epilepsy center.
Nearly 500 years after the Inquisition forced their ancestors to flee, Jews around the world are finally reclaiming their Portuguese citizenship. But not without plenty of red tape.
A Rochester doctor working as a volunteer at a Poland-Ukraine border crossing witnessed refugees’ tears, pain, anger—and a belief that one day they will return home.