It’s not the Rust Belt, it’s the Blue Belt
Greater Rochester’s biggest asset is our water. But we can’t afford to be complacent; only 1 percent of Great Lakes water is renewable—and it’s increasingly under threat.
Rochester Beacon (https://rochesterbeacon.com/category/environment/page/5/)
Greater Rochester’s biggest asset is our water. But we can’t afford to be complacent; only 1 percent of Great Lakes water is renewable—and it’s increasingly under threat.
The Erie Canal is a unique and priceless public resource that deserves a thoughtful, creative, and inclusive management plan—one that preserves and restores the scenic, shady canal path.
The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act is a market-based mechanism to reduce the carbon emissions driving climate change. It will dramatically reduce the damage caused by global warming—without wrecking our economy.
In 1898, some 3,000 people gathered in Highland Park to smell lilacs planted by famed horticulturist John Dunbar. Today, a half-million people take part in the 10-day Rochester Lilac Festival. Here are some things you may not know about these beautiful and fragrant symbols of renewal and love.
The purpose of the initiative, sponsored by the RIT-led New York State Pollution Prevention Institute, is to help local companies assess and improve their social, environmental and economic impacts.
Circular enerG LLC is proposing a waste-to-energy incinerator in the town of Romulus as an alternative to landfill disposal. In today’s Up for Debate, we present two opposing views on the problem of solid waste disposal and the Circular enerG proposal.
There has never been a complex problem like climate change. Why should this this matter to Rochester?
Rochester has a rich history as a leader in sustainable manufacturing. But are we doing enough to tout local research and innovations in the field?
It’s not easy being green—but it can be tempting to fake it. Regulators take a dim view of greenwashing, disinformation put out by an organization to present an environmentally responsible public image.
All of punditry has been caught off-guard by the neck-snapping acceleration of autonomous vehicle adoption. The level of investment in AVs across a number of firms is very significant. The question is no longer “if autonomous vehicles?” but “when?”